Have you checked out My Wallet feature in NowServing? This allows you to store and use coupons and gift cards to conveniently pay for consultation fees.
We’ve added a few features in the Profile Tab.
- My Files
- My Wallet
- Others
Coupons are issued to patients and corresponds as discount in NowServing products and services. Gift cards on the other hand, are convertible amount of money that patients can use to pay for consultations.
How to get coupons and gift cards?
As of the moment, coupons and gift cards are limited to the payments refunded to patients.
Are all patient refunds converted to gift cards?
The answer is No. there are only certain cases wherein the coupon is converted into gift cards. Refunds are only converted into gift cards when the doctor has the Paywall turned on and the one of the following occurs:
- The booking request is auto-canceled
- The doctor declines the booking request.
- The patient cancels the booking request.
In these cases, you will receive a Gift Card instead of an automatic refund, which can be used to pay for future booking requests (no expiry). If you'd prefer to have your refund credited back to your bank account or digital wallet, we can process it for you right away. 😊
You will also receive a 50 peso coupon if the booking request is auto-cancelled or declined by the doctor.
Please note that the 50 peso coupon is only redeemable within 24 hrs after initial issuance. Coupon is immediately issued to the wallet with the associated NowServing account.